Piya Tan’s translations & essays
You may use Piya Tan’s translations and essays as is & with due acknowledgement please.
Proper credits and citation authenticate your work and help in finding sources and developing your ideas for a more useful and interesting presentation. While it is true that the Dharma is free, the way it is presented is often unique to the presenter, and credit is due there. It is also a gesture of gratitude to efforts in bringing the Dharma closer to us. You can read more about Copyright documents here.
As most of these materials are still DRAFT, please inform him of any breaks, typos, errors, or suggestions for improvement to: dharmafarer@gmail.com.
FOR A FULL LIST OF SUTTA TRANSLATIONS & ESSAYS (until 2009), see under SUTTA DISCOVERY Vol 1-30, 40b (in the right sidebar).
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To install FONTS click Times Ext Roman fonts.
If your file uses older fonts, install these 4 Pali fonts, TIME NORMAN (ttf or True-type fonts), here:
Copy and paste the Pali fonts to C:/windows/fonts. That’s all.