An inspired re-look at the Buddha’s Example and Teachings
These weekly reflections are mostly inspirational by nature. Occasionally, Piya Tan writes open, reflective critiques of the social and religious realities of Buddhism today. The language here are likely to be free-ranging, and the ideas sometimes challenging.
For: Revisioning Buddhism (2018 onwards)
- (R530) Real dangers of meditation (171213)
- (R529) Correcting the Buddha? (171206)
- (R528) Cyber Dharma (171129)
- (R527) The Disruptors 2 of 2 (171122)
- (R526) The Disruptors (1 of 2) (171115)
- (R525) Mara’s theology (171108)
- (R523) How we form views (171025)
- (R522) Meeting the sphinx (171018)
- (R521) A wishing cow (171011)
- (R520) Knowledge limits (171004)
- (R516) Only suffering and its ending–Yes! (170906)
- (R515) Our 4-in-1 mind (170830)
- (R511) Individuation (170802)
- (R510) How we form views (170726)
- (R509) Animal farm (170719)
- (R508) Get the real thing (170712)
- (R507) Lineage or community (170705)
- (R506) The Buddha’s wager (170628)
- (R505) Ali Baba and Buddhism (170621)
- (R502) Accessibility (170531)
- (R498) Awakening and nirvana (170503)
- (R497) True suffering (170426)
- (R496) The Buddha’s two awakenings? (170419)
- (R494) Hell robots? (170329)
- (R493) Nirvana: space and time (170322)
- (R492) Living Truth (170315)
- (R491) Beautifully true (170308)
- (R489) Does Buddhism have conscience? (2 of 2) (170222)
- (R488) Does Buddhism have conscience? (1 of 2) (170215)
- (R483) Why good people go bad (170111)
- (R480) Rituals and vows (161221)
- (R478) Translating challenges (161207)
- (R477) I, Borg (161130)
- (R476) Consciousness is everywhere (161123)
- (R471) Guru gaga (161019)
- (R470) Sexuality and awakening (161012)
- (R469) Farewell Leonard Wong (161005)
- (R468) The price of joy (160928)
- (R467) Safe bets (160921)
- (R466) Crying real wolves (160914)
- (R464) Why the hell? (160831)
- (R463) The conqueror’s cage (160824)
- (R462) Freeing Buddhism from words (160817)
- (R461) Faith in fiction and fact (160810)
- (R460) The spoon and the soup (160803 )
- (R459) Conscious, preconscious, unconscious, subconscious (170727)
- (R458) Ancient wisdom, modern idiom (160719)
- (R456) The invisible Buddha (160705)
- (R454) When we do something bad (160621)
- (R451) Don’t just be a fan, be cool yourself! (160531)
- (R450) Parallel universes (160524)
- (R447) McMindfulness (160503)
- (R444) Hard questions (160412 )
- (R441) Karma as teacher (160322)
- (R440) Does Buddhism matter? (160315)
- (R437 Believing nothing (160223)
- (R436) The prophet (160216)
- (R432) A living commentary (160119)
- (R430) Spiritual streaming (160105)
- (R426) The three turnings of the wheel (151208)
- (R425) Why Buddhist? (151201)
- (R424) Moneytheism (151124)
- (R421) Pain in stone (151102)
- (R420) Family history (R420 151027)
- (R418) Feeling meditation (151013)
- (R414) Streamwinning in this life (150915)
- (R413) Is dhyana possible? (150908)
- (R412) Personal and bold (150901)
- (R411) How the Buddha awakened (150826)
- (R410) When God helped (150819)
- (R407) Religion as illusion (150729)
- (R406) Pious fiction (150722)
- (R405) Infatuation (150715)
- (R404) Harlequin effect (150708)
- (R403) The way to true awakening (150701)
- (R402) How Buddhism was edited (150624)
- (R401) From preta to hungry ghost (150617)
- (R400) Buddhism and mental illness (150610)
- (R399) The world in our hand (150603)
- (R397) Our one true refuge (150520)
- (R396) Good and right (150513)
- (R395) Right moves (150506)
- (R392) Dharma retreat (150415)
- (R391) Non-sectarian (150408)
- (R390) Buddha, one and only (150401)
- (R389) Kind of right (150325)
- (R388) Buddha, man, God (150318)
- (R387) Believing makes it true? (150311)
- (R386) Dharma moves (150304)
- (R383) Flowers for Algernon (150211)
- (R382) Bodhisattva Ever-weeping (150204)
- (R380) Why early rather than late (150121)
- (R375) Natural Buddhism, supernatural Buddhism (141217)
- (R373) Grow more brain (141203)
- (R372) Discovered dharma, invented Dharma (141126)
- (R367) Back to Buddha (141022)
- (R365) The Body Parts (141008)
- (R364) Leaving church (141001)
- (R363) On religion, off religion (140924)
- (R359) Investments (140827)
- (R356) Know what we believe (140806)
- (R354) How Buddhism was invented (140723)
- (R349) Why rituals should be abandoned (140618)
- (R348) Wanderers of today (140611)
- (R347) Buddhism without Buddha? (140604)
- (R343) Buddhism for real (140507)
- (R342) Be Buddhist, not a Buddhist (140430)
- (R341) Twitter brain (140423)
- (R336) Ceteris paribus (140319)
- (R334) Untitled (140305)
- (R333) Not worth a thought (140226)
- (R332) When God walks away (140219)
- (R331) Double bind (140212)
- (R330) Flying Spaghetti Monster (140205)
- (R329) Ascended Ones (140129)
- (R328) Making nothing of it (140122)
- (R327) Do Bodhisattvas exist? (140115)
- (R319) Biggest thing in the world
- (R315) Google stops thinking? (131023)
- (R311) Buddha’s refugees (130925)
- (R309) Let go, get it (130911)
- (R307) Elephant in the room (130821)
- (R299) Quality of mercy (130703)
- (R298) Buddha better (130626)
- (R296) Be true, be free (130612)
- (R294) Chinua Achebe (30529)
- (R292) Free Buddhism (130515)
- (R291) Why Guanyin appears female (130508)
- (R286) Breaking free (130403)
- (R284) Best mantras (130320)
- (R285) Meditation on consciousness (130313)
- (R281) Quest for meaning (130227)
- (R279) Talking meditation (130213)
- (R277) Who, what, why, how? (130123)
- (R273) Time and being (130102)
- (R272) Canaletto dreaming (R272 121226)
- (R271) Renewal Day (121219)
- (R270) Dord (121212)
- (R269) If I were a hammer (121205)
- (R263) Mind, the 3 words (121024)
- (R255) No views frees (120829)
- (R253) Closer to God (120815)
- (R252) Does a layman arhat die on the same day? (120808)
- (R244) Dangerous knowledge (RB 55 120613)
- (R243) Buddhism for life (RB 54 120606)
- (R239) Like god (RB 53 120509)
- (R238) Vesak baby (RB 52 120502)
- (R236) Farewell brother (RB 51 120418)
- (R234) The lone Buddhists (RB 50 120404)
- (R232) Asking the right questions (RB 49 120321)
- (R223) Buddhism sets you free (RB 48 120118)
- (R220) Necessity of Right Livelihood (RB 47 111228)
- (R219) Duties of those who have (RB 46 111221)
- (R217) Unsatisfactory religions (RB 45 111207)
- (R216) We are not born human (RB 44 111130)
- (R215) Time for “monks” to pay income tax? (RB 43 111123)
- (R200) Buddhas die if we worship them (RB 42 110721)
- (R198) To be Bodhisattva, be arhat first (RB 41 110724)
- (R196) Better change ourselves, than change religion (RB 40 110706)
- (R192) Mad about meditation (RB 39 110608)
- (R191) How to end the world–really (RB 38 110601)
- (R187) Buddhist questions (RB 36 110427)
- (R185) Heaven can wait (RB 35 110413)
- (R183) The four refuges (RB 37 110405)
- (R182) Qingming (“Clear and Bright”) (RB 34 110330)
- (R177) Why monks wear robes (RB 35 110223)
- (R170) Words are drugs (RB 32 110105)
- (R169) A truly Buddhist Christmas? (RB 31 101229)
- (R165) Buddhism without words (RB 30 101201)
- (R159) Buddhism For dummies (RB 29 101020)
- (R158) How religions learn (RB 28 101013)
- (R155) Meditation has no name (RB 27 100920)
- (R152) My influence on the Buddha (RB 26 100901)
- (R151) Poetry in prose (RB 25 100825)
- (R150) Buddhism rises in the West (RB 24 100818)
- (R149) Good from bad (RB 23 100811)
- (R146) Aliens and UFOs in Buddhism (RB 22 100728)
- (R145) Buddhism Inc (RB 21 100721)
- (R144) Spiritual friendship (RB 20 100714)
- (R142) Global Buddhism (RB 19 100630)
- (R136) Good heavens (RB 18 100519)
- (R135b) What the Buddha really looks like (RB 17 100512)
- (R134) What does the Buddha mean ? (RB 16 100428)
- (R129) The truth is in how you breathe (RB 15 100324)
- (R128) You have to be somebody before you can be nobody (RB 14 100317)
- (R127) Ill will & meditation (RB 13 100310)
- (R126) Desire (RB 12 100303)
- (R125) Your mind: use it or lose it (RB 11 102024)
- (R124) Why the suttas repeat themselves (RB 10 100217)
- (R118) Mental slavery (RB9 100106)
- (R113) Vimalakirti’s illness (RB8 091202)
- (R110) Has Maitreya come? (RB7 091118)
- (R108) Bhikkhuni sangha revived (RB 6 091104b)
- (R107) Unsubscribe (RB 5 091104)
- (R106) Are Bodhisattvas selfish? (RB 4 091028)
- (R97) Who are the hungry ghosts? (RB 3 090826)
- (R95) Becoming humans: it’s easier than you think (RB 2 090812)
- (R93) Modern monastics? (RB 1 090729)
- (R12) Bull*** (RR2 2016)
- (R10) Last chance to breathe (RR1 110605 )