SD 50 – 59


(a) A sutta whose title is preceded by an asterisk (*) means that it is only an excerpt.

(b) All files are in pdf.

SD 50a: Awakening & nirvana (part 1) [isbn 978-981-11-3004-5]

If life is a dream, when sleep ends, then naturally comes awakening.

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
50.0SD 50 a contents & TMC activities  
50.1Nibbana Patisamyutta Sutta 1U 8.1The full nirvana pericope.
50.2Nibbana Patisamyutta Sutta 2U 8.2The “bent-free” (anata) nirvana formula.
50.3Nibbana Patisamyutta Sutta 3U 8.3The “birth-free” (ajata) nirvana formula.
50.4Nibbana Patisamyutta Sutta 4U 8.4The “non-dependent” (anissita) nirvana formula.
50.5(Iti) Indriya SuttaIt 3.2.3The 3 faculties of final knowledge.
50.6(Tika) Nibbana SuttaA 3.55Nirvana as a personal experience.
50.7Jhanabhinna SuttaS 16.9The 9 progressive abodes of arhathood.
50.8Maradheyya SuttaU 3.1.10The nature of Mara in terms of existence.
50.9(Catukka) Pariyesana SuttaA 4.252 = A:B 4.255Ignoble quests and noble quests.
50.10Bilangka SuttaS 7.4The bad karma of harming the innocent returns to the doer.
50.11Orambhagiya SuttaS 45.179The 5 lower fetters and the eightfold path.
50.12Uddhambhagiya SuttaS 45.180The 5 higher fetters and the eightfold path.
50.13Nibbanadhatu SuttaIt 2.2.7The 2 ways of viewing nirvana.
50.14(Dasaka) Abhabba SuttaA 10.100The 10 hindrances to attaining arhathood.
 50a Bibliography  
 Backcover: 20 reasons for translating suttas  

SD 50b: awakening & nirvana (part 2) [ISBN 978-981-11-3903-1] 

If life is a dream, when sleep ends, then naturally comes awakening.

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
 50bContents & TMC activities  
50.15(Ananda) Sankhitta Dhamma SuttaS 35.86To Ananda on awakening.
50.16No Cedam SuttaS 14.33The purpose of the spiritual life.
50.17Sasankhara Patipada SuttaA 4.169The 4 ways of attaining nirvana.
50.18(Kamma) Ariya Magga SuttaA 4.235The 4 kinds of karma in terms of result.
50.19(Catukka) Samyojana SuttaA 4.131The 3 kinds of saints (rebirth and existence).
50.20Dhaniya Sutta
Sn 1.2Worldly joy verses spiritual joy.
50.21 Ahimsaka SuttaS 7.5Non-violent in word and in deed.
50.22 Jata SuttasS 1.23; S 7.6; Vism 1.1 – 1.8 Cutting the inner tangle.
50.23 Suddhika (Bharadvaja) SuttaS 7.7Spiritual purity is the highest.
50.24 Bahudhitara SuttaS 7.10Having nothing is true happiness.
50.25 (Navaka) Sanditthika Sutta 1 & 2A 9.46; A 9.47The state that is directly experienced.
50.26(Navaka) Nibbana SuttaA 9.48The progress to nirvana.
50.27 (Navaka) Parinibbana SuttaA 9.49The progress to nirvana.
50.28(Navaka) Tadanga Nibbana SuttaA 9.50The progress to nirvana.
50.29 (Navaka) Ditthadhamma Nibbana SuttaA 9.51The progress to nirvana.
50.30 (Navaka) Kayasakkhi SuttaA 9.43The one who gains the formless attainments.
50.31 (Navaka) Pannavimutta SuttaA 9.44The one liberated by insight wisdom.
50.32 (Navaka) Ubhatobhagavimutta SuttaA 9.45The one liberated in body and mind.
50.33 (Kamma) Bojjhanga SuttaA 4.236Karma and the awakening factors.
50.34 Navakammika SuttaS 7.17The Buddha’s work is done.
50.35 Mahasala SuttaS 7.14A father’s love, and gratitude.
50.36 Manatthaddha SuttaS 7.15Respect to whom respect is due.
50.37 Paccanika SuttaS 7.16Being open to others.
50.38 Katthahara SuttaS 7.18The Buddha resorts to the forest awakened and joyful.
50.39 Matuposaka SuttaS 7.19Filial piety and aims-receiving.
50.40 Bhikkhaka SuttaS 7.20True purpose of living on alms (renunciation).
50.41 (Udaka Suddhika) Sangarava SuttaS 7.21Purification through virtue, not ritual.
50.42Khomadussa SuttaS 7.22Goodness in high places.
 SD 50b Bibliography  
 SD 50 b Back cover  20 reasons for translating the suttas.

SD 51a: Effort & energy (PART 2) [ISBN 978-981-11-4859-0] 

Self-effort is the basis of spiritual salvation

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
51a51a contents & TMC activities  
51.0Kammakarana VaggaA 2.1 – A 2.10The significance of spiritual effort.
51.1 (Duka) Vajja SuttaA 2.1Karma with present fruit and future fruit.
51.2 (Duka) Padhana SuttaA 2.2The highest striving is the abandoning of all acquisitions.
51.3a (Duka) Tapaniya SuttaA 2.3Avoiding practices that torment us.
51.3b (Iti) Tapaniya SuttaIt 30Practices that bring torment.
51.4a (Duka) Atapaniya SuttaA 2.4Practices that do not bring torment.
51.4b (Iti) Atapaniya SuttaIt 2.1.4Practices that do not bring torment.
51.5(Duka) Upannata SuttaA 2.5Unrelentingly advancing in spiritual cultivation.
51.6(Duka) Sannojana SuttaA 2.6What holds us to suffering; what frees us from suffering.
51.7 (Duka) Vassupanayika SuttaA 2.10The 2 rains-entries.
51.8 Sallekha SuttaM 8Self-effacement and its true purpose.
51.9 Citta Hatthisariputta SuttaA 6.60The dangers of a monastic socializing. 
51.9(1.3.2)Avila Udakarahada Sutta (download file from the above link)A 1.5.5A clouded mind will not awaken.
51.9(1.3.3) Accha Udakarahada Sutta (download file from 51.9 above)A 1.5.6A clear mind will be able to awaken. 
51.10Cetokhila Suttas:  
51.10(2.3.1)Sangiti SuttaD 33,2.1(19)The 5 mental barrennesses.
51.10(2.3.2)Sangiti SuttaD 33,2.1(20)The 5 mental bandages.
51.10a(Pancaka) Cetokhila SuttaA 5.205The 5 mental barrennesses.
51.10b(Navaka) Cetokhila SuttaA 9.71 The 5 mental barrennesses are overcome by the 4 satipatthanas.
51.10c(Pancaka) Cetaso Vinibandha SuttaA 5.206The 5 mental bandages.
51.10d(Navaka) Cetaso Vinibandha SuttaA 9.72The 5 mental bandages are overcome by the 4 satipatthanas.
51.11(Suttanipata) Padhana SuttasSn 3.2The Buddha’s great striving for awakening.
51.12(Khetta) Desana SuttaS 42.7The 3 fields and the Buddha’s priorities.
51.13(Bojjhanga) Aggi SuttaS 46.53Overcoming sluggishness and agitation.
51.end Bibliography  

SD 51B: Effort & energy (part 2) [ISBN 978-981-11-6187-2] 

Self-effort is the basis of spiritual salvation

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
51b51b contents & TMC activities  
51.14(Pancaka) Padhana SuttaA 5.53The 5 supports for spiritual endeavour.
51.15Samayasamaya SuttaA 5.54The best conditions for spiritual striving.
51.15(1.2a)Dullabha Vuddhapabbajita Sutta 1A 5.59The 5 qualities difficult to find in one who renounces when old.
51.15(1.2b)Dullabha Vuddhapabbajita Sutta 2A 5.60The 5 qualities difficult to find in one who renounces when old.
51.16(Catukka) Appassuta SuttaA 4.6Learning and spiritual progress.
51.17 (Catukka) Sobhana SuttaA 4.7How a community is corrupted or beautified.
51.17(1.1)(Pancaka) Sobhana SuttaA 5.233The 5 qualities of a monastic renunciant.
51.17(2)(Catukka) Parisa sutta 2A 4.211The corruptors and the beautifiers of an assembly.
51.17(3.4)(Tika) Parisa Sutta.A 3.132The 3 kinds of assemblies in terms of training.
51.18Asamsa Bhikkhu SuttaA 3.13Who we are, what we are, and beyond.
51.19(Catukka) Vesarajja SuttaA 4.8The 4 certain qualities of the Buddha.
51.20(Catukka) Sancetana SuttaA 4.171Karma is rooted in ignorance and often occurs without our knowledge.
51.21(Catukka) Padhana Sutta 1A 4.13The 4 right strivings.
51.21(2)(Catukka) Padhana Sutta 2A 4.69The fourfold dynamics of spiritual striving. 
51.22 Patthana Sutta 1A 5.135The true purpose of renunciation.
51.22(2)Patthana Sutta 2A 5.136The true purpose of renunciation.
51.23Sarabha SuttaA 3.64A wanderer tries to degrade the Dharma and the Buddha’s response.
51.23(1.2)Gitassara SuttaA 5.209Why the texts should not be chanted in a musical manner.
51.24Utthana SuttaSn 2.10The most urgent task of spiritual cultivation.
51.25 Arakkheyya SuttaS 7.55The Buddha has nothing to hide.
51.26 (Tika) Bhaya SuttaA 3.62Understanding and overcoming the suffering of separation.
Back cover20 reasons for translating suttas  


SD 52.1: Miraculous life of gotama buddha ISBN 978-981-11-7432-2 (E-book)
SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
 SD 52.1 book cover

Miraculous life of Gotama Buddha

  A study in the psychology of mythology of the historical Bodhisattva.
SD 52b: parables 2 [ISBN 978-981-11-7431-5] (2018b)

A parable speaks our thoughts with the heart

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
52b.0Contents and TMC activities  
52.2Acchariya,abbhuta SuttaM 123The miraculous qualities of the Buddha.
52.2aAcchariya,abbhuta Sutta 1A 4.127Boundless radiance in Buddha’s life.
52.2bAcchariyaabbhuta Sutta 2A 4.128Overcoming attachment, conceit, etc.
52.2cAcchariya,abbhuta Sutta 3A 4.129Ananda’s 4 charismatic qualities.
52.2dAcchariya,abbhuta Sutta 4A 4.130Ananda’s charisma is like a wheel-turner.
52.2e(Radha) Satta Sutta S 23.2Satta as “being” and as “stuck.”
52.2ff(Udana) Satta Sutta 1U 7.1How not to be stuck to suffering.
52.2g(Udana) Satta Sutta 2U 7.2Lust blinds and traps us.
52.3Kesi SuttaA 4.111How the Buddha trains his disciples.
52.4(Sotapatti) Ananda SuttaS 22.83Punna Mantaniputta and Ananda’s attainment of streamwinning.
52.5Vanapattha SuttaM 17On the conduciveness of monastic dwellings.
52.6Maha Gopalaka SuttaM 33Parable of the bad and good cowherd.
52.7Dhanuggaha SuttaS 20.6Life is brief: strive on heedfully.
52.8aRohitassa Sutta 1A 4.45The world’s end cannot be reached by going.
52.8bRohitassa Sutta 2A 4.46The world’s end cannot be reached by going.
52.9Samudda Sutta 1S 35.187Our senses are like an ocean.
52.10aRaga Sutta 1It 68Greed, hate, delusion are Mara’s traps.
52.10bRaga Sutta 2It 69Our negative emotions are the raging ocean.
52.11Nadisota SuttaIt 109Our negative emotions are like a river current.
52.12Aggikkhandhupama SuttaS 7.68Renunciants should be worthy of their offering.
52.13f Nagaropama SuttaA 7.63The spiritually disciplined is like a citadel.
SD 53a: truth and reality 1 (2018c)

Theme: seeing true reality frees us from itself.

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
53.0Contents & imprint  
53.1Gavampati SuttaS 56.30Penetrating any of the 4 truths, penetrate all of them.
53.2Andhakara SuttaS 56.46The dark interstices of outer space.
53.3Tevijja Vacchagotta SuttaM 71On the Buddha’s knowledge and salvation.
53.4(Digha) Mahali SuttaD 6The true purpose of the spiritual life.
53.5Dittha Suta Muta VinnataEssayThe 4 means of cognition.
53.6Vohara SuttasA 4.247-250 & A 8.67-68Wrong ways and right ways of speaking.
53.7(Vangisa) Arati SuttaS 8.2Self-counselling a lustful mind.
53.8Maha Saropama SuttaM 29Worldly success is not spiritual progress.
53.9Cula Saropama SuttaM 30Spiritual goal is not acquisition but awakening.
53.10Kimsuka Sutta; Kimsukopama JatakaS 35.204; J 248True teachers teach according to the manner of their awakening; 4 different means to the same awakening.
53.11Miccha Ditthi Sutta; Micchaditthi Pahana SuttaS 22.153; S 35.164Wrong view is the grasping of views; overcoming wrong views.
53.12Sakkayaditthi Sutta; Sakkayaditthi Pahana SuttaS 22.154; S 35.165Self-identity view is the grasping of craving; overcoming self-identity view.
53.13Attanuditthi Sutta; Attanuditthi Pahana SuttaS 22.155; S 35.166Self-view is the grasping of conceit; the 6 senses are non-self.
53a Bibliography  
 20 reasons for translating suttas
SD 53B: truth and reality 2 (2018d)

Theme: seeing true reality frees us from itself.

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
53bContents & imprint  
53.14ab(Avyakata) Vacchagotta Suttas S 44.7 & S 44.8Vacchagotta questions Moggallana and the Buddha on the declared.
53.15Papata SuttaS 56.42Fully understanding the 4 noble truths brings full awakening.
53.16Parilaha SuttaS 56.43Ignorance of the noble truths is worse than great hell-fire.
53.17(Sacca) Kutagara SuttaS 56.44Penetrating the 4 truths, we overcome suffering.
53.18(Dasaka) Samadhi SuttaA 10.6One in thought-free samadhi is still “percipient.” 
53.19(Dasaka) Sariputta SuttaA 10.7Sariputta’s experience of samadhi.
53.20abSanna Manasikara Suttas 1 & 2A 11.7 & A 11.8One in samadhi is still “percipient.”
53.21Sanna Manasikara Sutta 3A 11.9One in samadhi is still “attentive.”
53.22*Khandha Annana SuttasS 33.1-5Ignorance of the 5 aggregates and the 10 theses.
53.23(Vacchagotta) Sabhiya Kaccana SuttaS 44.11The awakened after death.
53.24Khana SuttaS 35.135Now is the time to practise the Buddha Dharma.
53.25(Sacca) Tathagata SuttaS 56.12All the buddhas discover the same 4 truths.
53.26(Sacca) Khandha SuttaS 56.13The 4 noble truths are about the 5 aggregates.
53.27(Sacca) Ajjhattikayatana SuttaS 56.14The 4 truths are about the 6 senses.
53.28Pathama Dharana SuttaS 56.15Remembering and reflecting on the 4 noble truths.
53.29Dutiya Dharana SuttaS 56.16Rightly remembering the 4 noble truths.
53.30(Sacca) Avijja SuttaS 56.17The greatest ignorance is that of the 4 noble truths.
53.31(Sacca) Vijja SuttaS 56.18Fully understanding the noble truths brings awakening.
53.32 Sankasana SuttaS 56.19The profundity of the 4 noble truths.
53.33aTatha Sutta 1S 56.20On the certainty of the 4 noble truths.
53.33bTatha Sutta 2S 56.27On the certainty of the 4 noble truths.
53.34Kotigama Sutta 1 & Bhavanetti SuttaS 56.21; S 23.3Ignorance of the 4 noble truths keeps us in samsara.
53.35Kotigama Sutta 2S 56.22The 4 truths are the true meaning and purpose of life.
53.36 (Kotigama) Sammasambuddha SuttaS 56.23An arhat masters the truths.
53.37(Kotigama) Arahanta SuttaS 56.24All buddhas awaken with the 4 truths.
53.38(Kotigama) Asavakkhaya SuttaS 56.25The truths destroys the influxes.
53.39(Kotigama) Mitta SuttaS 56.26Teach the 4 truths to the near and dear.
53.40(Kotigama) Parinneyya SuttaS 56.29The 4 truths should be comprehended.
53.41 Jaliya SuttaD 7The true purpose of religion and the spiritual life.
SD 54a: devas 1 (part 1) (2019a)

Theme: The divine within us and without us.

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
 SD 54a Contents & imprint  
54.1(Tika) Abhibhu SuttaA 3.80Universes and Ananda’s surety of liberation.
54.2Devata SamyuttaS 1.1 – 1.10The connected discourses on devas.
54.2aOgha,tarana SuttaS 1.1Defilements are like a great flood.
54.2bNimokkha SuttaS 1.2The Buddha knows and teaches true spiritual freedom.
54.2cUpaniya Sutta & (Deva,putta) Uttara SuttaS 1.3; S 2.19Life is short; hit the path now.
54.2dAccenti Sutta & (Devaputta) Nanda SuttaS 1.4; S 2.27Time flies; hit the path now.
54.2eKatichinda SuttaS 1.5Overcoming hindrances to spiritual development.
54.2fJagara Sutta & Jagariya SuttaS 1.6; It 47As we sleep, we gather dust; awake, we are purified. Being awake is safer than being asleep.
54.2gAppatividita SuttaS 1.7The awakened are at peace with the world.
54.2hSusammuttha SuttaS 1.8A confused mind invites exploitation by others.
54.2i(Devata) Arañña SuttaS 1.10The benefits of forest meditation.
54.3aNandana Sutt & (Vana) Anuruddha SuttaS 1.11; S 9.6Even the heavens are impermanent.
54.3b(Devata) Nandati SuttaS 1.12Acquisitions bring continued suffering.
54.3cNatthi Putta,sama SuttaS 1.13Supreme love, wealth, light and wisdom.
54aSD 54a Bibliography Bibliography.
SD 54b: devas 1 (part 2) (2019b)
Theme: The divine within us and without us.
SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
 SD 54b Contents & imprint  
54.3dKhattiya Sutta (The Discourse on the Kshatriya)S 1.14The greatest of humans, animals, wives and sons.
54.3eSanamana Sutta (The Discourse on Murmuring)S 1.15The awakened find the solitary forest blissful.
54.3fNiddatandi Sutta (The Discourse on Drowsiness and Lethargy)S 1.16Sleep, sleepiness and spirituality.
54.3gDukkara Sutta (The Discourse on the difficult to practise)S 1.17Meditation difficulties can and should be overcome.
54.3h(Nandana) Hiri Sutta (The (Nandana Discourse on Moral Shame)S 1.18One with moral shame is ultimately free from blame.
54.3iKutika Sutta (The Discourse on a Little Hut)S 1.19The Buddha has renounced everything.
54.4Mahasamaya Sutta (The Discourse on the Great Assembly)D 20A god-believer’s way to the Buddha.
54.5(Brahma) Tissa Sutta (The Discourse on (Brahma) Tissa)A 7.53The knowledge of the gods is limited.
54.5(4)(Tissa) Brahma Sutta (The Moggallana Discourse (on Tissa)) [use the link at 54.5]A 6.34The knowledge of the gods is limited.
54.6The Vepacitti Suttas: Victory by patience.
54.6a(Sakka) Vepacitti Sutta (The (Sakka) Discourse on Vepacitti) [use the link 54.6]S 11.4To answer anger with anger is to fail twice.
54.6bSubhasita Jaya Sutta (The Discourse on the Victory by the Well-spoken Word) [use the link at 54.6]S 11.5The word is mightier than the sword.
54.7Na Dubbhiya Sutta (The “Do Not Harm” Discourse)S 11.7Not harming even our enemies.
54.8Sakka,panha Sutta (The Discourse on Sakra’s Questions)D 21The erotic, the spiritual and streamwinning.
 54b end Bibliography Bibliography
.SD 54b back cover 20 reasons for translating suttas.

SD 54C: devas 1 (part 3) (2019c)
Theme: The divine within us, without us.

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
 SD 54c contents & imprint  
54.9Cula Tanhasankhaya Sutta |The Lesser Discourse on the Destruction of CravingM 37 A brief definition of arhathood (the accanta,nittha pericope).
54.10(Cetovimutti) Anuruddha SuttaThe Anuruddha Discourse (on freedom of mind) M 127The boundless freedom of mind and the exalted freedom of mind.
54.11Acchara Sutta | The Discourse on Nymphs  S 1.46The vehicle to nirvana.
54.12Vatapada Sutta | The Discourse on the Vows   S 11.11Sakra’s 7 vows.
54.13Jantu Sutta |The Jantu Discourse S 2.25The gods know about the bad monks.
54.13(2.3)Kuha Sutta | The Discourse on the Deceitful (download @ 54.13)A 4.26 = It 108The false religious life.
54.13(4)Pakatindriya Sutta | The Discourse on “Loose in the Sense-faculties” (download @ 54.13)S 9.13The false religious life.
54.14(Tika) Deva Sutta | The (Threes) Discourse on Devas A 3.18The purpose of the holy life is not heavenly rebirth.
54.15Patipujika VatthuThe Story of the Husband Honourer DhA 4.14 (Dh 48)Love transcend time and space.
54.16Dubbanniya Sutta | The Discourse on the Ugly  S 11.22The anger-eating demon.
54.17Arunavati Sutta | The Aruna,vati Discourse S 6.14Buddha Dhamma spreads beyond time & space.
54.18(Apara Ditthi) Annatara Brahma Sutta | The Discourse on a Certain Brahma (of a Different View) S 6.5The Buddha corrects Brahma’s wrong views.
54.19Sakkanama Sutta | The Discourse on Sakra’s Names S 11.12On Sakra’s 7 names and 7 vows.
54.20Sakka Vatthu | The Story of SakraDhA 15.8 (Dh 206-208)Sakra’s last meeting with the Buddha.
54.21Isayo Arannaka Sutta | The Discourse on Forest Seers S 11.9Sakra’s respect for holy men.
54.22Magha Vatthu | The Story of MaghaDhA 2.7 (Dh 30)How Magha became Sakra, the lord of the 2 heavens.
.Twenty reasons for translating suttas. Outside back cover..

SD 55a: Happiness and progress (2019d)

Theme: The good that we are will be the good after us.

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme & YouTube links
 SD 55a contents & imprint  
 Twenty reasons for translating suttas  
55.1(Navaka) Nibbana SuttaA 9.34Nirvana is happiness beyond feeling.
55.2Bodhi Rajakumara SuttaM 85Happiness cannot really come from suffering.
55.3Celapattika VatthuCv 5.21.1-4Monastics should inspire faith and happiness in others.
55.4Bodhirajakumara VatthuDhA 12.1We should guard our actions in childhood, youth and maturity.
55.5Dhonasakha JatakaJ 353Who sows violence reaps its fruits.
55.6Suddhika Niramisa Sutta & (Vedana) Agara SuttaS 36.29 & S 36.14Nirvana the highest spiritual state. 3 kinds of feeling: the carnal and the spiritual.
55.7Bhadraka SuttaS 42.11How to know the noble truths of reality.
55.8Uruvela Sutta 1S 4.21Even the teacher respects the teaching.
55.9(Iti ) Vitakka SuttaIt 38The essence of Buddhist discipleship
.Reading List.Bibliography.

SD 55b: Happiness and progress (2020a)

Theme: The good that we are will be the good after us.

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
55b.0SD 55b Contents and imprint SD 55b contents, imprint, 20 reason for translating the suttas.
55.10aSarandada SuttaA 7.197 conditions for social progress.
55.10b(Aparihaniya) Vassakara SuttaA 7.20Conditions for the invincibility of the Vajjis.
55.10cKalingara SuttaS 20.8Simplicity and diligence are the bases of inner progress.
55.11(Aparihaniya) Dhamma Sutta 1A 7.217 conditions for the spiritual growth of the monastic renunciant sangha.
55.12a(Pancaka) Nagita SuttaA 5.305 meditations on revulsion.
55.12b(Chakka) Nagita SuttaA 6.42The Buddha praises the forest life for monks.
55.13(Atthaka) Yasa SuttaA 8.86Benefits of monastic forest life and solitude.
55.14Rathopama SuttaS 35.1983 good habits that bring happiness now and lead us to the path.
55.15(Chakka) Saraniya Dhamma SuttaA 6.11Conditions that conduce to the spiritual life of renunciation.
55.16(Chakka) Saraniya Dhamma SuttaA 6.12Conditions that conduce to the spiritual life of renunciants.
55.17(Pancaka) Nissaraniya SuttaA 5.2005 elements of spiritual freedom.
55.18(Chakka) Nissaraniya SuttaA 6.136 elements of spiritual freedom.
55.19(Navaka) Ananda SuttaA 9.37Dhyana is where one is percipient but knows only itself.

SD 56a The Gradual Way (2020b)

Theme: The path of awakening is a gradual and true renunciation.

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
 SD 56a contents and imprint  
56.1The Gradual WayEssaySpiritual discourse, training and freedom in early Buddhism.
56.2Bhaddali SuttaM 65The Buddha, the sangha and a monk’s training.
56.3Gopala Moggallana SuttaM 107The Buddha’s gradual way.
56.4Anupada SuttaM 111The Buddha’s full account of Sariputta’s awakening.
56.5(Khandha) Channa SuttaS 22.90The scurrilous elder Channa realizes the Dharma.
56.6Sapugiya SuttaA 4.194Inner purification in 4 stages.
56.7(Catukka) Attantapa SuttaA 4.198The 4 kinds of spiritual practices.
 Back cover: 20 reasons for translating the suttas  

SD 56b The various faculties (2020c)

Theme: The path of awakening is a gradual and true renunciation.

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
56bSD 56b contents & imprint  
56.8(Indriya) Patilabha SuttaS 48.11The 5 faculties and personal progress.
56.9(Indriya) Sankhitta Suttas 1-3S 48.12-14The 5 faculties: differences, fulfillment.
56.10(Indriya) Vitthara Sutta 1-3S 48.15-17The 5 faculties: differences, fulfillment.
56.11(Indriya) Patipanna SuttaS 48.18The 5 faculties and the outsider.
56.12(Sankhitta) Sampanna SuttaS 48.19The 5 faculties and accomplishing them.
56.13a (1)(Indriya) Asavak,khaya SuttaS 48.20The 5 faculties and arhathood.
(2)(Bodhi,pakkhiya) Asava-k,khaya SuttaS 48.64The 5 faculties as a bodhipakkhiya.
(3)(Anuruddha) Asava-k,khaya SuttaS 52.24Influx destruction brings arhathood.
(4)(Anapana) Asava-k,khaya SuttaS 54.20Breath meditation, 5 faculties, arhathood.
(5)(Sacca) Asava-k,khaya SuttaS 56.25Mystery of the 4 truths leads to arhathood.
(6)(Pancaka) Asava-k,khaya SuttaA 5.70The 5 meditations leading to arhathood.
(7)(Dasaka) Asava-k,khaya SuttaA 10.122The 10 things leading to arhathood.
(8)(Iti) Asava-k,khaya SuttaIt 102The 5 practices leading to arhathood.
56.13b(Maha,vagga) Anuruddha SuttasS 52.11-24Anuruddha: his powers and arhathood.
(1)Kappa,sahassa SuttaS 52.11Anuruddha’s recollection of a 1000 aeons.
(2)Iddhi,vidha SuttaS 52.12Anuruddha’s psychic powers.
(3)Dibba,sota SuttaS 52.13Anuruddha’s divine ear.
(4)Ceto,pariya SuttaS 52.14Anuruddha’s mind-reading.
(5)Thana SuttaS 52.15Anuruddha’s knowledge of the possible and the impossible.
(6)Kamma Samadana SuttaS52.16Anuruddha’s knowledge of karma.
(7)Sabattha,gamini SuttaS 52.17Anuruddha’s full understanding of rebirths and the final knowledge.
(8)Nana Dhatu SuttaS 52.18Anuruddha’s knowledge of the nature of words.
(9)Nana’dhimutti SuttaS 52.19Anuruddha’s knowledge of psycholigical state of beings.
(10)Indriya SuttaS 52.20Anuruddha’s knowledge of the spiritual faculties of beings.
(11)Jhan’adi SuttaS 52.21Anuruddha’s mastery of various kinds of meditative states and their final goal.
(12)Pubbe,nivasa SuttaS 52.22Anuruddha’s knowledge of his own past lives.
(13)Dibba,cakkhu SuttaS 52.23Anuruddha’s knowledge of others’ rebirths.
(14)Asava-k,khaya SuttaS 52.24The destruction of the influxes brings about arhathood.
56.14(Indriya) Punabbhava SuttaS 48.21The Buddha’s 5 faculties.
56.15Eka,biji SuttaS 48.24Individuals progressively awakened on the path.
56.16(Indriya) Arahanta Suttas Definitions of an arhat:
56.16a(Indriya) Arahanta Sutta 1S 48.4In terms of the 5 spiritual faculties: the assada triad.
56.16b(Indriya) Arahanta Sutta 2S 48.5In terms of the 5 spiritual faculties: the samudaya pentad.
56.16c(Cha-l-indriya) Arahanta SuttaS 48.27In terms of the 6 sense-faculties: the samudaya pentad.
56.16d(Sukh’indriya) Arahanta SuttaS 48.33In terms of the 5 feeling-faculties: the assada triad.
56.16e(Khandha) Arahanta SuttaS 22.110In terms of the 5 aggregates: the samudaya pentad.
56.17(Cha-l-indriya) Sambuddha SuttaS 48.28The Buddha & the 6 sense-faculties.
56.18ab(Indriya) Samana,brahmana Suttas 1 & 2S 48.6+7The true standards of religion.
56.19ab(Cha-l-indriya) Samana,brahmana Suttas 1 & 2S 48.29+30Mastering the 6-sense-faculties.
56.20(Sukh’indriya) Samana,brahmana Suttas 1 & 2 with (Indriya) Suddhika Sutta The 5 feeling-faculties.
56.20a(Sukh’indriya) Suddhika SuttaS 48.31The 5 feeling-faculties.
56.20bc(Sukh’indriya) Samana,brahmana Suttas 1 & 2S 48.34+35The 5 feeling-faculties: the samudaya pentad and the sacca-pentad.
56.21(Sukh’indriya) Vibhanga Suttas 1-3S 48.36-38Analyses of the 5 feeling-faculties.
56.21a(Sukh’indriya) Vibhanga Sutta 1S 48.36Brief analysis of the 5 feeling-faculties.
56.21b(Sukh’indriya) Vibhanga Sutta 2S 48.37The root feelings.
56.21c (Sukh’indriya) Vibhanga Sutta 3S 48.38The 3 feelings, the 5 feelings.
56.22Early Buddhist psychology as experienceEssayA brief comparative study of somatics, affection, perception, conation and cognition in Buddhist meditation and modern psychology.
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SD 57a Rebirth and cosmology (2020d)

Theme: The universe is time, space and our mind.

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
57aSD 57a contents and imprint  
57.1Rebirth and early BuddhismEssayUnderstanding karma and survival without any abiding agent.
57.2Mata SuttaS 15.14We have been mothers to others before.
57.3Pita SuttaS 15.15We have been fathers to others before.
57.4Bhata SuttaS 15.16We have been brothers to others before.
57.5Bhagini SuttaS 15.17We have been sisters to others before.
57.6Putta SuttaS 15.18We have been sons to others before.
57.7Dhita SuttaS 15.19We have been daughters to others before.
57.8Appamattaka VaggaA 1.19The rarity of good rebirth.
57.9Sankadhama SuttaS 42.8How lovingkindness limits the effects of our karma.
57.10Early Buddhist cosmologyEssayMan and mind, earth, heaven, samsara and nirvana.
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SD 57b Rebirth and cosmology (2021a)

Theme: The universe is time, space and our mind.

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
57aSD 57b contents and imprint  
57.11 Chiggala SuttaS 56.45The human state is rare; seize the moment for awakening
57.12Chiggalayuga Sutta 1S 56.47 The human state is rare; seize this moment for awakening
57.13Chiggalayuga Sutta 2S 56.48 The human state is rare; seize the moment for awakening
57.14(Navaka) Devata SuttaA 9.19 The 9 steps of discipleship
57.15(Tika) Anenja SuttaA 3.114 Even the high gods can still fall into the suffering
57.16Ditthigata SuttaIt 49The unawakened are hindered by views of being and nonbeing
57.17(Sattaka) Vinnana-tthiti SuttaA 7.41 The various kinds of existence that consciousness assumes
57.18(Navaka) Sattavasa SuttaA 9.24The various kinds of existence that rebirth takes
57.19a(Anamatagga) Puggala SuttaS 15.10Truly seeing the noble truths awakens us
57.19bAtthipunja SuttaIt 24 Truly seeing the noble truths awakens us
57.20a(Navaka) Samiddhi SuttaA 9.14The nature of all things (S?riputta)
57.20bBhagava Mulaka SuttaA 10.58The nature of all things (the Buddha)
57.21(Opamma) Nakhasikha SuttaS 20.2 Rare is human birth
57.22(Atthaka) Punniya SuttaA 8.82How to grow in true discipleship
57.23(Dasaka) Punniya SuttaA 10.83How to grow in true discipleship as a Dharma teacher
57.24(Chakka) Bhava SuttaA 6.105Growing space in the samsaric crowd
57.25(Vedana) Anicca SuttaS 36.9Feelings (pleasant, unpleasant, neutral) are impermanent
57.26Lobha SuttaIt 1 When greed is totally abandoned, nonreturning arises
57.27Lobha Parinna SuttaIt 9Fully understanding greed destroys suffering
57.28Pancagati Peyyala VaggaS 56.102-131The rarity of humanity and divinity
57.29Nirayasagga Sutta 1A 10.200Bad karma creates hell, good karma heaven
57.30Nirayasagga Sutta 2A 10.201 Bad karma creates hell, good karma heaven
57.31Matugama SuttaA 10.202 Karma that brings hell, karma that brings heaven, for a woman
57.32Upasika SuttaA 10.203 Karma that brings hell, karma that brings heaven, for a laywoman follower
57.33Visarada SuttaA 10.204 In a woman, lack of moral courage is unwholesome; moral courage is wholesome
57.34(Catukka) Cara SuttaA 4.11Being spiritually diligent in every posture
57.35(Iti) Cara SuttaIt 110Being spiritually diligent in every posture
57.36(Catukka) Kotthita SuttaA 4.174a The ending of the bases for contact cannot be predicated
57.37(Catukka) Ananda SuttaA 4.174bThe ending of the bases for contact is nirvana
57.38Dvaya Sutta 1S 35.92The sensefaculties and their respective objects
57.39Dvaya Sutta 2S 35.93The 5 aggregates and the 6 sense-bases
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SD 58 Listening and speaking (2021b)

Theme: Let listening bring wisdom; let speaking give wisdom

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
58SD 58 contents and imprint  
58.1The oral tradition of the early BuddhistsEssayA digest of scholarly researches and an insight into the nature of early Buddhist texts.
58.2Sotanugata SuttaA 4.191Benefits of listening to the Dharma.
58.3(Bhikkhu) Visakha SuttaS 21.7 = A 4.48On excellence in speaking the Buddha Dharma.
58.4Accaya SuttaS 11.24The foolish knows not right or wrong; The wise is amenable.
58.4(3) Dve Bala Pandita Sutta A 2.3.1The foolish knows not right or wrong; The wise is amenable.
58.5Sakaccha Sutta 1 + 2A 5.65; A 5.163The qualities of one with whom it is worthwhile to discuss Dharma.
58.6Humhunka SuttaU 1.4The arhat is free from conceit.
58.6(2.2.2) (Sattaka) Brahmana SuttaA 7.83The arhat is a brahmin who keeps out 7 things.
58.6(3) Ajapala KathaMv 1.2The humhunka brahmin (on overcoming conceit).
58.7(Sagatha) Sariputta SuttaS 8.6Effective sutta teaching and listening.
58.7(1.1.3) (Catukka) Kavi SuttaA 4.2314 kinds of poets.
58.8aVedana Nanatta Sutta 1S 14.4From the sense-elements arise feelings.
58.8bVedana Nanatta Sutta 2S 14.5From the sense-elements arise feelings.
58.9(Salayatana) Haliddakani SuttaS 35.130The basic nature of feelings.
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SD 59a: Moral Virtue 1 (2021c)

Theme: Those who know true reality are not fooled by virtual reality

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
59SD 59a contents and imprint  
59.1Akankheyya SuttaM 6The 1st priority of the 3 trainings in spiritual life
59.2a(Atthaka) Uposatha SuttaA 8.20The parable of the great ocean
59.2b(Udana) Uposatha SuttaU 5.5The parable of the great ocean
59.2cPatimokkha Thapana KhandhakaV 2:236The parable of the great ocean
59.3Anumana SuttaM 15Amenability and self-counselling
59.4Navanguposatha SuttaA 9.18Lovingkindness empowers moral virtue
59.5(Pancaka) Niraya SuttaA 5.145Moral virtue defines our karma
59.6Partial preceptsEssayBuddhism: academic study and text-based practice
59.7Chabbisodhana SuttaM 112How to recognize an arhat
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SD 59b: Moral Virtue 1 (2021d)

Theme: Those who know true reality are not fooled by virtual reality

SD No.Sutta or Chapter TitleSutta referenceTheme
59bSD 59b contents and imprint  
59.8Maha Dhamma,samadana Sutta.M 46How to rightly practise the teaching for awakening.
59.9The Abhisanda SuttasS 55.31-33; S 55.41-43; A 4.51+52; A 5.45; A 8.39The 4 and 5 joys of a streamwinner in this life itself
The joys of the 3 jewels and the 5 precepts
59.10(Dasaka) Cunda SuttaA 10.176Neither rituals nor vows will purify our karma
59.11(Udana) Nagara,vindeyya SuttaM 150Teachers and practitioners who are worthy of respect
59.12Tanha Mulaka SuttaA 9.23Dependent arising of social conflicts
59.13Sila Sampanna SuttaIt 104An arhat as embodiment of moral virtue; the 6-stage discipleship; the arhat’s powers
59.14ab(Pancaka) Dussila Sutta
(Pancaka) Sila Sutta
A 5.24Moral virtue is the proximate condition for right concentration; Buddhist aesthetics
59.15Patta Nikujjana SuttaA 8.87How to discipline the laity who unjustly wrong the sangha
59.16Santutthi SuttaA 4.27; It 101True renunciants live very simple lives
59.17(Nidana) Desana SuttaS 12.1Dependent arising
59.18Panca Vera Bhaya Sutta 2S 12.42The 4 limbs of a streamwinner
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