- (R897) Right view as the truths (250112)
- (R896) The karma of “something” (250105)
- (R895) This is our year: reflections for 2025 (250101)
- (R894) The 6 ways of overcoming doubt (241211)
- (R887) For the love of learning (241023)
- (R886) “The tamed” (241016)
- (R885) The 4 limbs for streamwinning (241009)
- (R884) How to learn from karma (2 of 2) (241002)
- (R883) How to learn from karma (1 of 2) (240925)
- (R882) Virtue ethics: Avoid evil, do good, purify the mind (240918)
- (R881) The 12 keys of Buddhist mission 3 of 3 (240911)
- (R880) The 12 keys of Buddhist mission 2 of 3 (240904)
- (R879) The 12 keys of Buddhist mission 1 of 3 (240828)
- (R878) Is Mara sexless? (240821)
- (R877) Mara as “skillful means” (240814)
- (R876) Mara the shape-shifter (240807)
- (R875) Crusher of Mara’s host (240731)
- (R874) Having nothing, taking nothing (240724)
- (R873) Mara the master ritualist (240717)
- (R872) My encounter with Mara (240710)
- (R871) Living the divine abodes (240703)
- (R870) Formations as habits (240626)
- (R869) Radiation of lovingkindness (240619)
- (R868) How to direct the mind to samadhi (240612)
- (R867) Who should not meditate? (240605)
- (R866) Meditation and its purpose (240529)
- (R865) Vesak reflections: How not to forget Buddhism (240522)
- (R864) Mara as comic relief (240515)
- (R863) Mother’s Day is forever (240512)
- (R862) Dealing with Mara today: the Mangala Sutta (240501)
- (R861) Evolution as natural seduction (240424)
- (R860) Mara as Buddhist mythology (240417)
- (R859) Mara in the Dhaniya Sutta (240410)
- (R858) An immeasurable mind (240403)
- (R857) A narrow mind (240327)
- (R856) Mindfulness in early Buddhism (240320)
- (R855) The noble eightfold path leads to awakening (240313)
- (R854) The potential of divine abode practice (240306)
- (R853) The four focuses of mindfulness (satipatthana) (240228)
- (R851) The path for attaining the highest (brahma,patti) (240214)
- (R850) Naga: the year of the dragon (240210)
- (R849) The 8 supports (paccaya) of meditation (240131)
- (R848) Great learning and moral discipline (240124)
- (R847) Who or what is Mara? (240117)
- (R846) The 2 wings of a flying bird (240110)
- (R845) Reflections on Boonman and Samatha Trust (240103)
- (R844) Year of the 4 truths: reflections for 2024 (231231)
- (R843) The One True Refuge (231220)
- (R842) Mindfulness: right and wrong (231213)
- (R841) How to fly (for a fee) and the psychopathy of Mahesh (231206)
- (R840) The abdication syndrome (231129)
- (R839) Spirituality of meditation (231122)
- (R836) Lovingkindness in practice (231101)
- (R834) The perfect imperfection (231018)
- (R833) Sutta teaching on the vulnerable narcissist (231011)
- (R832) Seeing whole, becoming whole 2 of 2 (231004)
- (R831) Seeing whole, becoming whole 1 of 2 (230927)
- (R830) When the mind fails the meditator (230920)
- (R829) Streamwinners “enjoying sensual pleasures” (230913)
- (R828) The 6 kinds of existential struggles 3 of 3: the preta struggle and the hellish struggle (230906)
- (R827) The 6 kinds of existential struggles 2 of 3: the asura struggle and the animal struggle (230830)
- (R826) The 6 kinds of existential struggles 1 of 3: the human struggle and the divine struggle (230823)
- (R821) Phra Chamriang Candano (1948-2022) (230719)
- (R820) The uses of mindfulness and awareness (230712)
- (R819) Mindfulness and memory (230705)
- (R818) Early Buddhist ontology and cosmology (230628)
- (R817) How science influences religion (230621)
- (R816) Clear awareness of emptiness (230614)
- (R815) Mindfulness-awareness and sleeping (230607)
- (R814) Vesak for trees (230531)
- (R813) Mental harmony in daily life (230524)
- (R812) Early Buddhist epistemology (230517)
- (R811) Aberrant view: defective knowing (230510)
- (R810) Buddhist confession (230503)
- (R808) Free will: the nature of sankhara (230419)
- (R803) To read, to see (230315)
- (R802) Tipitaka journey (230308)
- (R801) Happy prison (230301)
- (R800) How to cultivate lovingkindness 2 of 2 (230222)
- (R799) How to cultivate lovingkindness 1 of 2 (230215)
- (R798) I know nothing (230208)
- (R794) Unbiting the snake (230111)
- (R793) Reading minds (230104)
- (R792) My Spielberg Story (221223)
- (R791) The word or the truth (221221)
- (R789) Acts of truth (221207)
- (R788) One for two; two for one (221130)
- (R786) Hunger games (221116)
- (R785) 5 Buddha habits (221109)
- (R783) True and beautiful (221026)
- (R781) The good roots of society (221012)
- (R780) Change yourself (221005)
- (R779) Narcissus healed (220928)
- (R778) When lay practice is better (220921)
- (R775) Have we stopped learning? (220831)
- (R773) Living is loving (220817)
- (R772) Call me by my name (220810)
- (R769) How fire became light (220719)
- (R766) Losing all that we have (220629)
- (R763) Soul or no soul (220608)
- (R761) To live is to learn (220525)
- (R760) Vesak Questions (220515)
- (R759) The One Dhamma (220511)
- (R758) The Blind Men’s Elephant, Season 2 (220504)
- (R757) Music Meditation (220427)
- (R756) Vissasa: one word for love, trust, goodness, agreement (220420)
- (R753) Time: the early Buddhist concept (220330)
- (R749) Happy Days (220302)
- (R745) Happily in the jungle: welcome 2022 with courage and wisdom (220202)
- (R744) Time-loop (220126)
- (R740) Piya Tan’s 2022 New Year Message: Growth and possibilities (211231)
- (R739) Mindful Christmas (211222)
- (R738) Dhyanas for dummies 2 of 2 (211215)
- (R737) Dhyanas for dummies 1 of 2 (211208)
- (R736) Psychology of forgetting (211201)
- (R732) Lay renunciation (211103)
- (R727) My … my … my minds (210929)
- (R726) Easy way, no way (210922)
- (R725) Separation anxiety (210915)
- (R724) Imperfect: to be what we are yet to be (210908)
- (R718) Our body, our teacher (210728)
- (R717) Vipassana of dishwashing (210721)
- (R713) You, monkey (210624)
- (R709) Slow learner isn’t no learner: Vesak 2021 message by Piya Tan (210526)
- (R708) Text and subtext (210519)
- (R704) How to really learn (210414)
- (R702) Small talks, great wisdom (210331)
- (R695) Lunar New Year message (210210)
- (R693) Outsiders (210127)
- (R690) The Dhamma speaks to us (210106)
- (R689) Piya Tan’s New Year Message: Be your true self (201231)
- (R681) Common sense good (201104)
- (R679) Our identities (201021)
- (R675) Beyond religion (3 of 3) (200923)
- (R674) Beyond religion (2 of 3) (200916)
- (R673) Beyond religion (1 of 3) (200909)
- (R672) Our true teacher (200902)
- (R668) Neither loss nor grief (200805)
- (R667) To the dear grieving (200729)
- (R661) Short takes: Buddhism truly briefly (200217)
- (R659) All love in a word: to be ubuntu to be more than being human (200603)
- (R658) Born free? (200527)
- (R655) Here there is no trouble (200506)
- (R654) Let go now (200429)
- (R651) Renounce the world: stay home (200408)
- (R650) Virus as teacher (200401)
- (R649) Minding food (200325)
- (R648) Word means (200318)
- (R644) Sound truth (200219)
- (R643) Work hardly (200212)
- (R639) For the wise (200115)
- (R638) Statement, status, state (200108)
- (R637) Vision 2020 (200101)
- (R635) Why do you want to know? (191218)
- (R634) Lights along the path (191211)
- (R629) Can we know Buddhism? (191106)
- (R628) You and me (191030)
- (R627) How to be a non-Buddhist (191023)
- (R626) Samsaric Karma, Nirvanic Karma (191016)
- (R625) Neat TV chefs (191009)
- (R624) You’ve changed! (191002)
- (R619) 70th birthday gratitude (190828)
- (R618) Musturbation (190821)
- (R617) Measure for measure (190814)
- (R616) To forgive, to forget? (190807)
- (R615) Ozymandias awake (190731)
- (R611) The Buddha is here (190703)
- (R610) Cook like an artist (190624)
- (R606) Don’t hold your breath! (190529)
- (R604) Precious scars [a Vesak reflection] (190515)
- (R603) Ego, Echo, Doubt (190508)
- (R602) Getting lighter (190501)
- (R599) Hubris (190410)
- (R598) Fake truths (190403)
- (R597) Long sentence (190327)
- (R596) Naturally good (190320)
- (R595) Unconscious us (190313)
- (R594) Wisdom tree (190306)
- (R591) Evidence-based? (190213)
- (R590) Rich humility (190206)
- (R589) The way we are, we are the way (190130)
- (R582) Looking for love (181212)
- (R479) The 33 (181121)
- (R578) Many, one, none (181114)
- (R575) The love precepts (181024)
- (R572) A child’s awakening (181003)
- (R571) How to see the 5 aggregates (180926)
- (R570) Feel good or be better? (180919)
- (R569) Why impermanence? (180912)
- (R568) The teacher’s shadow (180905)
- (R566) Piya Supina (a loving dream) (180822)
- (R565) Better wrong, then right (180815)
- (R564) Ordinary saints (180808)
- (R562) GOD — Gift of Dhamma (180725)
- (R561) Rise and fall (180718 )
- (R557) Anyone can read minds (180620)
- (R556) The thieves (180613)
- (R555) An empty plate (180606)
- (R552) Blessed Mother’s Day (180516)
- (R551) Do bad mindfully (180509)
- (R550) The Buddha’s life as myth (180502)
- (R549) A pillar of faith (180425)
- (R548) Past good (180418)
- (R539) Cookie tale (180214)
- (R538) Narcissus (180207)
- (R537) Living joy (180131)
- (R536) What can we really know? (180124)
- (R535) Creativity (180117)
- (R534) Spirituality (180110)
- (R533) 2018: Turn on the lights (180103)
- (R532) Love, Dean (171227)
- (R531) Turning around (171220)
- (R524) Humour me (171101)
- (R519) Don’t be my past (170927)
- (R518) No pain is really worth suffering (170920)
- (R517) Dish-washing (170913).
- (R514) When we lose a beloved (170823)
- (R513) Growing old and up (170816)
- (R512) Good is better (170809)
- (R504) Meaning and purpose of life (170614)
- (R503) Answer for good (170607)
- (R501) Mindfulness and time (170524)
- (R500) About time (170517)
- (R499) Historical day (170510)
- (R495) Toying with views (170412)
- (R490) Touched by Dharma (170301) .
- (R487) The joy of meditation (2 of 2) (170208)
- (R486) The joy of meditation (1 of 2) (170201)
- (R485) How do we know we have awakened? (170125)
- (R484) Why we can’t define nirvana (170118)
- (R482) The 7 true blessings (170104)
- (R481) Free love (161228)
- (R479) Soulmates (161214)
- (R475) Spiritual bypass (2 of 2) (161116)
- (R474) Spiritual bypass (1 of 2) (161109)
- (R473) To be free, bond (161102)
- (R472) Perfect timing (161026)
- (R465) The joy of Dharma (160907)
- (R457) Letting go (160712)
- (R455) Having and being (160628)
- (R453) What can Buddhism do for me? (160614)
- (R452) True prayer (160607)
- (R449) The quest for meaning (160517)
- (R448) The Sub-Sub-librarian (160510)
- (R446) Time-space in meditation (160426 )
- (R445) God is a question (160419)
- (R443) Mind-body rules (160405)
- (R442) Awaken in this life (A spiritual exercise) (160329)
- (R439) Failing and imagining (160308)
- (R438) The little that we know (160301)
- (R435) The poet’s wisdom (160209)
- (R434) The inward journey (160202)
- (R433) True to all faith (160126)
- (R431) Free genius (160112)
- (R429) The good in all (151229)
- (R428) Boundless love (151222)
- (R398) This moment forever (150527)
- (R408) Upside-down poem (150805)
- (R409) When the sitting gets tough (150812)
- (R415) The dream (150922)
- (R416) Toilet training (150929)
- (R417) Bad can be good (151006)
- (R419) The Artist (151020)
- (R422) Through the dark night (151110)
- (R423) Sweet sorrow (151117)
- (R427) What the hell (151215)
- (R394) Four questions (150429)
- (R393) The child we still are (150422)
- (R385) What’s that? (150225)
- (R384) Self-compassion (150218)
- (R381) Dharma trains (150128)
- (R379) The 24 Elements (150114)
- (R378) The Supreme Worship (150107)
- (R377) The Buddha’s voice (141231)
- (R376) Let the moment seize us (141224)
- (R374) Lay living Dharma (141210)
- (R371) Read-ready (141119)
- (R369) How to enjoy life (141105)
- (R368) Starry night (141029)
- (R366) Very basic Buddhism (141015)
- (R362) I will wait for you (140917)
- (R361) On turning 65 (140910 )
- (R360) Don’t try to stop changing (140903)
- (R358) Live, love, learn (140820)
- (R357) To those we’ve lost (140813 )
- (R355) The Great Gatsby (140730)
- (R353) How to (k)now (140716)
- (R352) Middlemarch (140709)
- (R351) Chasing the white whale (140702)
- (R350) Live to love (140625)
- (R346) Who’s talking now? (140428)
- (R345) Playing dead (140521)
- (R344) The one that I feed (140514 Vesak Reflection)
- (R340) What religion? (140416)
- (R339) No need to give up our faith (140409)
- (R338) Fear not (140402)
- (R337) A failure, am I? (140326)
- (R335) Replicators (140312)
- (R326) Why am I me? (140108)
- (R325) How to write a reflection (140101)
- (R324) Breathe Dharma (131225)
- (R323) Present being (131218)
- (R322) Schadenfreude (131211)
- (R321) Can I help? (131204)
- (R320) Still centre (131127)
- (R305) Causes and conditions (130814)
- (R306) More than human (130821)
- (R308) The hanging man (130904)
- (R309) Waltzing Matilda for Buddha (130918)
- (R312) Only the heart can truly see (131002)
- (R313) Value of loss (131009)
- (R314) Do I know you? (131016)
- (R316) Sex change (131030)
- (R317) The 3 D’s & beyond (131106)
- (R318) Tough love (131113)
- (R304) Love never loses (130807)
- (R303) Learning bad (130731)
- (R302) Cost of living (130724)
- (R301) Time is love (130717)
- (R300) Meditate, naturally (130710)
- (R297) The last leaf (130619)
- (R295) True genius (130605)
- (R293) Belief limits, wisdom frees (130522)
- (R290) Work and life (130501)
- (R289) Freeing pain (130424)
- (R267) New clothes and nakedness (121121)
- (R268) Looking for love (121128)
- (R274) Accept yourself, reject your self (130109)
- (R275) Dance like nobody’s watching (130116)
- (R276) Knowledge limits (130123)
- (R278) Sad is not really bad (130206)
- (R280) The artist’s suffering (130220)
- (R282) To love is to learn (130306)
- (R285) Silent sunny spaces (130327)
- (R287) Married to Dharma (130410)
- (R265) What’s the question, that’s the answer! (121107)
- (R264) Animal emotions (121031)
- (R262) Not by food alone (121017)
- (R258) Still ahead (120919)
- (R256) When self-love is good (120905)
- (R254) From love must come wisdom (120822)
- (R251) Superstition (120801)
- (R250) Suffering servant (120725)
- (R249) Let your hair down (120718)
- (R247) Change please! (120627)
- (R245) Self-destruct or self-construct? (120620)
- (R242) None are so (120530)
- (R241) We got class (120523)
- (R240) Mother tree (120516)
- (R237) Now is the moment (120425)
- (R235) Stop, thinking! Welcome, feeling! (120411)
- (R233) Please blow my balloon (120328)
- (R231) Even a donkey can be wise (120314)
- (R230) Everything is beautiful – really? (120307)
- (R228) Minding change, changing mind (120222)
- (R227) Driving Meditation (120215)
- (R226) Truly renouncing (120208)
- (R225) Falling in love, staying in love (120201)
- (R224) True Aspirations (120125)
- (R223) Buddhism Sets You Free (120118)
- (R222) Power Mode, Love Mode (120111)
- (R221) Being Everything to Everyone (120104)
- (R218) Buddhist love training (111214)
- (R214) Stumbling blocks to stepping stones (111116)
- (R213) Your mind use it or lose it or Preventing dementia (111109)
- (R212) When nobody seems to care (111102)
- (R211) I think I know (111026)
- (R210) Revolution! (111019)
- (R209) Don’t tell me (111012)
- (R208) True individual (111005)
- (R207) Write words (110928)
- (R206) Awakening moments (110907), German: Aufruettelnde momente
- (R205b) Keep what you cannot lose / Give what you cannot lose (110831)
- (R205a) Just be good (or why Pascal is wrong) (110824)
- (R204) Man the unfinished (110817)
- (R203) The greatest creator (110810)
- (R202) Believable Fiction (110803)
- (R201) Hearing Voices (110727)
- (R199) Religion Without Words (110720)
- (R197) Joy as food [Previous title: Not by food alone, but by joy, too] (110713)
- (R195) We are the world (110629)
- (R194) To see beyond Buddhism (110622)
- (R193) Thoughtless meditation (110615)
- (R190) New lamps for old? (110525)
- (R189) Small change (110518)
- (R188) The Most Beautiful Sunset (110511)
- (R186) Wish I knew you better (110420)
- (R184) Making the same mistake? (110406)
- (R181) Three things to be grateful for (110323)
- (R180) Emotional independence? (110316)
- (R179) The Buddha and Prometheus (110309)
- (R178) Let the dead bury their dead (110302)
- (R176) Listen to yourself (110216)
- (R175) Secret relationships (110209)
- (R174) Holiday, holy day (110202)
- (R173) God’s temple is within us (110126)
- (R172) Real Buddhists are countless (110119)
- (R171) Road less travelled (110112)
- (R168) To believe, to know, to feel (101222)
- (R167) Prayer without words (101215)
- (R166) To have or to be (101208)
- (R164) Every thing, everything (101124)
- (R163) Being present (101117)
- (R162) Truly professional (101110)
- (R161) Close your eyes, see better (101103)
- (R160) Lovingkindness (101023)
- (R157) Tikkun olam (Repair the World) (101006)
- (R156) Looking but not seeing (100926)
- (R154) The ‘I’ of the storm (100915)
- (R153) More than words can say (100908)
- (R148) The greatest love (100811)
- (R147) Moved by the Dharma (100804)
- (R143) Ways of knowing (100707)
- (R141) It’s a joke (100623)
- (R140) Stories we live by (100616)
- (R139) Just you wait (100609)
- (R138) Free thinking (100602)
- (R137) A choice Vesak (100526)
- (R133) Truly beautiful mind (100421)
- (R132) The Buddha smile (100414)
- (R131) Why something rather than nothing? (100407)
- (R130) Dharma is music to the Ear (100331)
- (R123) How to be creative (100210)
- (R122) Don’t own the Pain (100203)
- (R121) Shadow and light (100127)
- (R120) A truly purposeful life (100120)
- (R119) Living Buddhism (100113)
- (R117) To a listening year 2010 (091230)
- (R116) Helping one another in faith (091223)
- (R115) Worlds of our own (091216)
- (R114) The mouths are moving (091209)
- (R112) Does the Buddha have feelings? (091125)
- (R109) Living well, dying well (091111)
- (R105) The seven wonders (091021)
- (R104) Story of a butterfly (091014)
- (R103) Do we really know what we are saying? (091007)
- ((R102) Religion can be bipolar (090930)
- (R101) Compassion or gratitude? (090923)
- (R100) How to Address a Teacher (090916)
- (R99) As If (090909)
- (R98) From born to not born again (R98 090902)
- (R97) Who are the hungry ghosts? (090826)
- (R96) No pain, no gain / Why suffering ? (090819)
- (R95 /RB2) Becoming human: it’s easier than you think (090812)
- (R94) Buddhism Goes Beyond God and Religion (090805)
- (R93 / RB1) Modern monastics? (090729)
- (R92) All views are wrong views (090722)
- (R91) [same as R90]
- (R90) Suttas and marriage / Suttas, Pali & chanting (090715)
- (R89) To live is to feel (090708)
- (R88) Degree of happiness (090701)
- (R87) How self-healing works (090624)
- (R86) Talking bad about Buddhism (0090617)
- (R85) Modernize the Buddha’s teaching? (090610)
- (R84) Not by works alone (090603)
- (R83) All the world’s a stage (090527)
- (R82) The sunbird & free will (090520)
- (R81) What Vesak means to me (090509)
- (R79) Learn to say NO (090429)
- (R78) Meme (that’s “me, me” always!) (090422)
- (R77) What is given is not lost (090415)
- (R76) So you want to kill yourself? (090408)
- (R75) Timelessness and meditation (090401)
- (R74) Something to sit on (090325)
- (R73) The Horse’s Teeth (090318)
- (R72) It’s Okay to Have a Big Ego (090311)
- (R71) Two kinds of pain (090304)
- (R70) Making sense of things (090225)
- (R69) Is Buddhism a religion, a philosophy, or what? (090218)
- (R68b) Bowing (090211)
- (R67b) Dogmas (090204)
- (R68a) Animals Go To Heaven (090121)
- (R67a) The 8 winds of life (090114)
- (R66) Unconditional Love (090107)
- (R63) God is love and more (081224)
- (R62) Nothing is Worth Clinging to (081217)
- (R52) Why Buddhism is boring (for some) (081015)
- (R53) Lesson from a flower (081022)
- (R54) Go forth / The Great Commission (to Firefly Mission, 081023)
- (R55) Buddhist prophecies for our times (081029)
- (R56) Opening our eyes to the Dharma (081105)
- (R57) My true-hearted friend (081112)
- (R68) Lovingkindness is simply healing (081119)
- (R59) Questions that answer (081126)
- (R60) Getting the best from your mind (081203)
- (R61) Be a Dharma Heir (081210)
- (R51) Will the world end in 2012? (081008)
- (R50) The chickduck (081001)
- (R49) The Five Precepts Are Universal (080924)
- (R48) How Mindfulness Strengthens Us (080917)
- (R47) Ways of enjoying your wealth (080910)
- (R45) The laity and monastic (080903)
- (R44) Unchained peace (080820)
- (R43) How the Bible made me a better Buddhist (080813)
- (R42) Meditation goes beyond the brain (080806)
- (R41) Bus-ride to Nirvana (080730)
- (R33) Translating suttas is very enjoyable (080430)
- (R35) Two kinds of people (080521)
- (R34) Vesak aspirations (080514)
- (R26) The temple of God is within us (080305)
- (R27) Buddhism with feeling (080312)
- (R30) Buddha Dharma is for all religions (080401)
- (R31) Buddhism is about patterns (080316)
- (R46) Effective listening (080409)
- (R32) Who really is guanyin? (080423)
- (R21) The true relics are the early suttas (080124)
- (R29) Say yes, say no, be silent (080326)
- (R25) The best stories are unfinished (080227)
- (R24) When love is truly blind (080220)
- (R17) Buddha and “Allah” (080102)
- (R18) Failure and pain (080109)
- (R19) The Buddha reaches to all (080116)
- (R28) The Dharma is still with us (080319)
- (R27) Buddhism with feeling (080123)
- Phra Khru Ba Neua Chai, a true “social worker” (080113)
- (R23) The Clear light of Dharma (080213)
- (R40) Love is (080716)
- (R15) Wishing Buddhists “Merry Christmas”? (071219)
- Religious arrogance and spiritual openness (071107)
- (R39) Minima kopi-lah! (080209)
- Hindrance to spiritual progress (070919)
- (R37) Buddhism is as easy as walking (a parable) (080618)
- (R65) Life’s 3 highest priorities (081231)
- (R64) 25 December Buddhist Renewal Day (081226 )
- (R11) Has the Dharma come to Singapore? (071126 )
- (R10) [same as R9]
- (R9) Money and monastics (071114 )
- (R8) False “false monastics” and true “false monastics” (071031 )
- (R7) The ghosts among us (071017 )
- (R6) Keep Buddhism simple–and effective (071010 )
- (R5) Failure and giving up (070926)
- (R4) Self-discovery through sutta study (080704)
- (R3) What is the most difficult thing to give up? (070228)
- (R2) Let go of the I (070204)
- (R1) Forewarned, forearmed (for some) (070106)